From 10/21/17 2:00 pm until 10/21/17 5:00 pm
At Forest Grove Physical Therapy
Posted by Super User
Categories: Routine Playshops - Public, Classic Nia, Classes, Trainings, Nia Workshops - Public
Hits: 5395
Looking to deepen your Nia experience? Embody the moves to WILD, Nia's newest routine release.
Wild focuses on the sensation of reflexive conditioning - the autonomic response from your nervous system when simuliated (Think SURPRISE!!). Song by song, Laurie will share basic moves, patterns, insight into music, and tips for personalizing for maximum enjoyment. We'll practice and embody, then in the final hour, we will experience WILD from beginning to end.
Soulful vocals, electronic dance sounds combine with a bluesy cooldown for a mix has it all.
Open to everybody.
Cost: $35 pre-register $40 day of
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Laurie with questions, pre-register on-line or at class .