Workshop: The Yin + Yang of Nia with TeamBASS

From 04/14/18 2:00 pm until 04/14/18 5:00 pm

At Nia Studio | Nia Headquarters, Portland OR

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Categories: Classic Nia, Classes, Trainings, Nia Workshops - Teachers

Hits: 6694

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 The Yin and Yang of Nia with TeamBASS

Join Nia Faculty Trainer Laurie Bass + 1st Degree Nia Black Belt Fred Bass -- aka TeamBASS -- in a movement exploration of yin and yang energy. Yin is the feminine, soft, watery, melodic, relaxing, receptive and inward directed energy. Yang is the masculine, the form, rhythmic, the fire, assertive and outward directed energy. Our bodie are designed to be in balance with these two energies.  We will move, breath, and explore the yin/yang energies in the body, the yin/yang energy in music and in Nia movement to arrive at a sense of relaxed power, mindful presence, and peace.

As teachers, TeamBASS naturally brings a unique combination of the yin/yang to the dance, to guiding, grounding and leading the Nia experience in harmony.


Cost:   $45 pre-register, $55 day of

Register through NiaStudio' MindBody systerm here

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