
Rock Around the Clock

Rock Around Clock 1

Rock Around the Clock is one of Nia's eight foot techniques that offer self-healing and conditioning benefites to your body from the ground up. This move trains you sense the mobility, strendgth and stability of rocking around the edges of your feet. The key is to keep your ankles, knees and hip joints spring-loaded.  Focus on moving in a range of motion that will sustain power and balance. Excellent for strenghtneing the ankle joint. Continue below for tips and video.

Tips: Practice by shifting your weight forward/back then siide to side. Tune into the inner edges of your feet for comfort. Integrate hands and arms for whole body conditioning. Gain movement skill by varying range of motion, speed and playing with the agility of stop/start. Watch and move to the video below to bring your practice alive!


Rock Around Clock 2

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